Why savoring single? Because you were meant to enjoy it!
Finding purpose, knowing love, and experiencing adventure aren’t reserved solely for the married girls! You can enjoy a full and vibrant life even while being single. It’s also a perfect time to partner with what God wants to develop in you through this once-in-a-lifetime part of your journey! Girl, being single is okay. There is a purpose for it, and it won’t last forever. So savor it!
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Shelley has journeyed through being single longer than she expected and has since found joy, hope and purpose from a once begrudged season. In her debut title, she challenges the status quo of what it means to be single as a modern-day Christian female, with a passion to infuse hope and restore joy to every single-girl heart.
If you are tired of reading books for singles because they usually fixate on just being single, dating or preparing for marriage, this book will be a breath of fresh air. In a refreshing way, Shelley offers a practical approach to becoming God’s best version of you for the rest of your life, whether single or married, preparing you for all your seasons to come.
You can connect with her at: savoringsingleblog.wordpress.com
There is a super popular verse
I’d like to reference. We’ve all seen it, can quote it, and chances are you’ve
got something in your house that it’s written on.
“For I can do everything
through Christ, who gives me strength.”
It’s from Philippians 4 and
verse 13, but do you know what verse 12 says? It’s probably less likely, as it
doesn’t rank very high in most quoted scriptures, but I believe it offers us a
greater depth to understanding that we can do everything through Christ, because
he gives us the strength to do so.
So what is that “everything” Paul
is referring to? For that, let’s read the less-popular but still
super-important preceding verse to Philippians 4:13. Verse 12 says,
“I know how to live on almost
nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every
situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.”
Back up to the end of verse
eleven and Paul opens this statement with this: “for I have learned how to be content with
whatever I have.”
So this “everything” that Paul
refers to shows us that we can be content no matter our situation, status or
circumstance. We know Paul’s life was a challenging one as a slave to Christ
and wholly devoted to preaching the gospel no matter the cost. And his cost was
high. Not only was he single, he was beaten, whipped, stoned, left for dead and
imprisoned. He was blasphemed, falsely accused, wrongly imprisoned and remained
That is powerful. How about
you? Are you content no matter your situation?
I think that’s why Paul could
so boldly say that “I can do everything through Christ” because he was living
from a place of strength no matter what he faced.
We often feel defeated when we
don’t get what we want. We feel left out when we have less than we need. We
tend to get prideful when our bellies (or wallets) are full, but stingy and
grumpy when we’re hungry. We always want plenty and anything less causes us to
wonder if God is really good and question his love for us.
This is such a defeated way to
live when what you really believe is “I can do all things when I have exactly
what I want and need.” For Paul, this was Christ and Christ alone.
1. Being content
stems from a life that is confident in knowing that Jesus Christ is all sufficient
and he is the only thing we could ever need.
So how did Paul get to this
place where he was so strong, so confident, so content – no matter what?
Can we read the scriptures
backwards? I guess we already have, so let’s keep going. Same chapter, Philippians
chapter 4, but verse 8. This one is from the Amplified translation.
“whatever is true,
whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is
right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome,
whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is
admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if
there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these
things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].
believe that Paul was able to be so content because when the circumstances
seemed contrary, he chose to focus on Christ and think continually on the truth
he had implanted in his heart.
so often are discontent because when we look at our singleness, our bank
account, or our bodies – we do the exact opposite. We listen to the lies of the
enemy, accepting a lesser version of the truth, which costs us our peace and
our strength.
did this very thing. When the enemy brought a “half-truth” she didn’t meditate
on what was true about God, His character and His holiness. She meditated on
what she now thought she didn’t have enough of, what God had held back on, and
eventually partnered with sin to get what she didn’t need and lost everything
that mattered.
2. So being content
comes from an agreement we make within ourselves to not let our minds think on
anything but what Philippians 4:8 tells us to.
how to get to a place where your mind stays on the good stuff? Let’s back it up
one more time, to Philippians 4:6.
“Don’t worry
about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and
thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which
exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds
as you live in Christ Jesus.”
stuff comes up, immediately take it to prayer. I would have offset many a
pity-party had I done this very thing. Our society honors the worriers and
somehow it makes us feel better that we feel bad about it. But no. We are to
pray about those concerns that hit our minds.
thank him for all He has done. And in this lies our third key.
3. Rejoice and be
full of the joy of the Lord by a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving.
super hard to be depressed and thankful at the same time. So, which would you
rather be?
his promise if we’ll just turn to him, pray about it and thank Him no matter
what: “His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live
in Christ Jesus.”
said, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (Proverbs
you choose to surrender your life to Christ, He comes alongside you to help you
guard your heart, so that the course of your life will be determined by His
that’s the way to live content, by living from the very peace of God!
may feel God is calling you to a life of singleness. You may feel that He’s
asked you to a season of being hidden in Him. No matter your situation, status
or circumstance – for however long it may last – you can live content in the
peace and strength of Christ!
me in prayer?
you that your thoughts towards me are always good. Thank you that even though I
don’t see how all of this is going to play out, you do. So today, I choose to
trust you. Thank you that you are capable of carrying me through this season.
Thank you that you can build in me and strengthen me for what’s ahead. But I
also want to thank you for what you’re revealing that needs to be corrected,
too. Thank you that you are faithful to keep your promises and that no
circumstance will ever change who you are or how much you love me.”
My favorite thing is: If anyone finishes my favorite coffee or yogurt, I only have me to blame.